Technical Services
IAG Technical Service Line offers regulatory compliance cathodic protection monitoring and maintenance, as well as complex diagnostic field work and supporting engineering services. IAG’s focuses on data integration as a tool to offer better insight to corrosion issues, ultimately optimizing reliability. We provide these services for the Oil & Gas, Power & Renewables and Process industries. IAG offers expert leadership and quality technicians who can be trusted with stringent data collection requirements. Our experience allows us to resolve our customers’ most complex corrosion control issues.
Companies come to us when:
Projects: Quality data acquisition is important.
Projects: Complex situations require more expertise than simple data collection.
People: Seek technical expert leadership supported by quality technicians who can be trusted with stringent data collection requirements.
Reporting: Customized project deliverable solutions in easily digested formats designed for customers use case
Reporting: Regular progress reporting with notification of any special conditions that are identified.
Cost Transparency: Customers want the best value for their money. IAG pricing is clear and transparent, factoring in the necessary pricing for providing a high-quality deliverable.